NHPC Full From:--
Country : INDIA🇳🇪 |HUNDU.
* What is NHPC mean ?
NHPC Limited is committed to serve tha nation by developing hydro - power project thorough tha country in general and in Himachal pradesh,India in pariticular.
NHPC Limited..
NHPC Limited , A Govt. Of India Enterprise was incorporated in tha year 1975 with an autherised share captal of Rs. 2,000 million and with an objective to plan , promote and organise an integrated and efficient development of hydroelectric power in all aspect.
At present NHPC is a mini Ratna category -1 Enterprise of tha Govt. Of India with a authorised share capital of 1,50,000 million. NHPC is ranker as a premier orgenization in tha country for development of hydropower.NHPC has also executed 5 projects with an installed capital of 89.25 MW on turanky basis.two of these project have been Commissioned in neighbouring country. Nepal and Bhutan.
NHPC is engaged in tha construction of 5 project aggregationg to a total installed capacity of 4290 MW inculding 1000 MW being exceeuted throught JV Company .10 project of 7151 MW are awating clearancs /Govt. approvel for their implemention including 3 project of 1186 MW to be executed throught subsidiory /joint venture companies.
2) MISSION. :--
>> To achive excellence in development of clean power at international standerds.
>> Opernate project throught efficient and company contract management and innovative R8D in environment frendly and socio-economically responsive mamer.
>> Innovate stste-of-tha-art Techonologies and optimize use of natural resources thraugh effective management.
>> To Plan ,Promote and organize an integrated and efficienr developement of power in all its aspects through Conventional and Non Conventional sourus in India and Abrood . Including planing investigation,research,desing,operation and maintenance of power station and project,transmission,distribution,trading and sale of power generation at student in objectives laid down by tha central Government from time to timeand release of water and other needs to tha state Govt. As per day tha agerrd parameters.
>> To under take, Where necessary ,tha constriction of transmission lines and ancillarg warks for timely and coordinated inter - state exxhange of power.
>> Tha business of purchasing , selling , importing , exporting , producing , trading , of planning , investingation reseorch , design and preparation of preliminary , feasibility and definite project reports , construction , generation , operation and maintenance of power station and projects , trassmission , distribution and sale of power , power development including forward , backword or horizontal integration ancillary and other allied industries and for that purpose to install , operale and manage all necessary plants , establidhments and works.
Country : INDIA🇳🇪 |HUNDU.
* What is NHPC mean ?
NHPC Limited is committed to serve tha nation by developing hydro - power project thorough tha country in general and in Himachal pradesh,India in pariticular.
NHPC Limited..
NHPC Limited , A Govt. Of India Enterprise was incorporated in tha year 1975 with an autherised share captal of Rs. 2,000 million and with an objective to plan , promote and organise an integrated and efficient development of hydroelectric power in all aspect.
At present NHPC is a mini Ratna category -1 Enterprise of tha Govt. Of India with a authorised share capital of 1,50,000 million. NHPC is ranker as a premier orgenization in tha country for development of hydropower.NHPC has also executed 5 projects with an installed capital of 89.25 MW on turanky basis.two of these project have been Commissioned in neighbouring country. Nepal and Bhutan.
NHPC is engaged in tha construction of 5 project aggregationg to a total installed capacity of 4290 MW inculding 1000 MW being exceeuted throught JV Company .10 project of 7151 MW are awating clearancs /Govt. approvel for their implemention including 3 project of 1186 MW to be executed throught subsidiory /joint venture companies.
2) MISSION. :--
>> To achive excellence in development of clean power at international standerds.
>> Opernate project throught efficient and company contract management and innovative R8D in environment frendly and socio-economically responsive mamer.
>> Innovate stste-of-tha-art Techonologies and optimize use of natural resources thraugh effective management.
>> To Plan ,Promote and organize an integrated and efficienr developement of power in all its aspects through Conventional and Non Conventional sourus in India and Abrood . Including planing investigation,research,desing,operation and maintenance of power station and project,transmission,distribution,trading and sale of power generation at student in objectives laid down by tha central Government from time to timeand release of water and other needs to tha state Govt. As per day tha agerrd parameters.
>> To under take, Where necessary ,tha constriction of transmission lines and ancillarg warks for timely and coordinated inter - state exxhange of power.
>> Tha business of purchasing , selling , importing , exporting , producing , trading , of planning , investingation reseorch , design and preparation of preliminary , feasibility and definite project reports , construction , generation , operation and maintenance of power station and projects , trassmission , distribution and sale of power , power development including forward , backword or horizontal integration ancillary and other allied industries and for that purpose to install , operale and manage all necessary plants , establidhments and works.
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